Julia Vita

Studio Assistant

Julia can't remember the exact year that aerial came into her life, but she remembers walking into her first lesson and not being able to do a single press up or kick her legs up to the bar without help. These days, Julia has been known to do not one, but several press ups and find serenity in hanging upside down on a hoop, silk, or trapeze. Whenever Julia hears someone say that they can't try aerial because they have no upper body strength, she tells them that the way to get upper body strength (and a muscly back to match!) is to start at the beginning and keep practising. 

Alongside being an aerialist, Julia is also an actress and immersive performer. She has performed as a pirate on a real 17th century ship, a clown in search of solutions to all the world's problems, and an interdimensional being that guards a portal to another world.